OSM Industry Roadmap Project 2024
Comprehensive MMC resources to power the industry.
Supply Chain Mapping
Low Carbon Housing
Defining our Language
CAST Report
Pro Clima NZ Ltd
Pro Clima is a leader in development and manufacture of reliable weathertightenss and airtightness building systems. They have an ethical commitment to providing systems that satisfy the basic requirements everyone
deserves: healthy and comfortable environments, durable and energy efficient buildings and sound investment protection.

pro clima has been providing intelligent, leading-edge airtight and weathertight building solutions from Germany to the world since 1981.
pro clima NZ Ltd was established in 2008, and in 2017 the pro clima Hub Centre for Advanced Building Systems was opened.
pro clima HUB is a one-of-a-kind training facility in Auckland, focused on achieving and supporting excellence in the building culture in New Zealand. It provides regular, ongoing, hand-on and theoretical education for all building professionals and showcases advanced building systems for healthy, comfortable, energy efficient and durable buildings.