OSM Industry Roadmap Project 2024
Comprehensive MMC resources to power the industry.
Supply Chain Mapping
Low Carbon Housing
Defining our Language
CAST Report
Irving Smith Architects
Irving Smith's projects open up,
condense, focus, and interpret both
the natural and the human-made
settings of the ‘far far away’, where
they live. They see their practice,
research and teaching, based in the
small town of Whakatū Nelson on
Aotearoa New Zealand’s South
Island, as an adventure. Unfinished
and Far Far Away traces their
internationally awarded approach of
participating with existing landscapes
before generating new contexts. Ten
projects across a range of scales,
typologies and landscapes show how
these architects articulate wood and
other local materials to create
beautiful homes, places to work, and
sites to play. Irving Smith see their
work as never finished, but always
opening itself up to new ways to
question how we can continue to live
and thrive in these sites.
03 548 1372