OSM Industry Roadmap Project 2024
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Spotlight on Modular Community Housing – Punavaiola Community Housing Project

Working with Wesley Community Action, Hastings Methodist Parish and The Methodist Church of New Zealand, EasyBuild Hawke’s Bay is delivering this 12 home project in Flaxmere, aimed at supporting families on the Government Housing Register with a focus on Pasifika aiga (families), helping to address the ongoing housing crisis in the Hastings region.
With a target completion date of late 2023, EasyBuild are proud to be providing safe and warm modular homes for the local Flaxmere community, understanding the beneficial impact of quality, secure housing on wellbeing.
Following Cyclone Gabrielle, the site was lucky to escape significant damage and EasyBuild is actively looking into ways we can help the Hawke’s Bay Community with emergency and transitional housing to help the recovery effort and support those displaced by the flooding into warm, dry homes.