OSM Industry Roadmap Project 2024
Comprehensive MMC resources to power the industry.
Supply Chain Mapping
Low Carbon Housing
Defining our Language
CAST Report
Archiland Architecture
Dylan Huang, founder of Archiland, is typical of the 80s generation, heading abroad in 2007 to study in NZ, where he received excellent local education, from NDAT (Weltec), and BAS (Unitec) towards his M. Arch Prof (UoA).
Dylan is member assessor of ADNZ, a board member of the NZ Chinese Building Industry Association, a member of OffsiteNZ, certified Home Performance Advisor, Passive House consultant and was one of the youngest people to become a Licensed Building Practitioner when he was registered. He is not driven by profits - design ideals and enterprise are his top priorities.
A growing number of developers and home owners recommend Archiland by word of mouth. Our super-efficient team works hard to control the quality of our designs, and to produce them on time.
09 360 8163